What was number 11 on my birthday

What is a Master Number in numerology?
  1. The Birthday Number
  2. The Meaning of Your Birthday Number
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  4. Master Number 11 – Meaning, Personality, Sex Life

The Birthday Number

Im not sure what Im looking for in posting this but I suppose it must be something. Hello my name is Joshua David Reed. My birthday is My Natal Path number is 11, and my Life Path number is This number is reoccurring in my life on a daily basis. For example, when I was going to college I had an hour drive from home each day to get there, the route I had to take was North 11 through Kentucky.

I passed road signs all the way there and back that said North 11 South This is just one of the many ways finds its way into my life that are beyond my control or power of suggestion. Hello from another life path 11 here. Seeing often is a sign of you coming into a high awakening.

Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Submit Comment. Life Path Master Number Master Number 11 is considered the most intuitive of all numbers, and those with the Life Path Number 11 tend to be very sensitive and intuitive, with a deeper understanding of others and a natural sense of what is going on behind the scenes. For example, they will pick up on people's relationships and health without being told anything, and so they often end up working in the fields where they can use their gifts of intuition, and sensitivity to help others.

Life Path Number 11 has the qualities of the number two magnified.

Birthday Number 11 – Features

If you have this number you are likely more spiritually aware, a visionary, inspiring, charismatic, inventive, a dreamer, idealistic, and a deep thinker, and you rely on faith rather than logic to deal with the life and all it has to offer. The challenge for Elevens is to not be overwhelmed by their gifts. Fears and phobias would be the downside of this number. They may also seem at times indecisive, impractical, nervous, and moody. Master Number 11 is concerned with spiritual illumination. Often a Number 11 will have an instinctive understanding of metaphysical matters.

Because Elevens are also Twos, they have the strength to finish what they start. It is important to remember that Master Number 11, even though discussed here as a separate entity, is simply the higher, double digit vibration of the number 2. As such, you should also look at the definition of Life Path Number 2 as that is your base vibration.

The Meaning of Your Birthday Number

You are a person of facile and ductile character. You need a pat on the back. What should be added? What would you like to see on this page? It is very important for us to know what you think. To get a complete picture we recommend reading the pages sequentially from the first to the last.

One can live a whole interesting, bright, eventful life in just one year and change their own future, as a result. Or just sleep it away going with the flow, reacting to nothing. Having an inherent talent and not making use of it is almost the same as if you had a vintage car and never bothered to obtain a driving license. Each particular personality trait, determined by the number of digits in the corresponding Psychomatrix cell, can be reinforced or weakened.

Even a single Number of this kind may have such a strong influence, that it would fully neutralize several personality traits that you are born with. Log In.

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Sign Up. Home Birthday meanings Birthday number Birthday Number 11 The Numerology meaning of the 11 birthday Birthday Number 11 implies seer's intuition and excellent knowledge of the anatomy of the human soul. Rating: 4. Birth Day Number 11 potentials And this talent is haunting you. Optimal growth area for professional development You are more of an academician than a man of action by nature.

Influence of Birth Day Number 11 on the choice of partner and family life The quality of private and family life of a person with Birth Day Number 11 depends on luck in a lot of ways. Have you failed to find the desired information?

Secret Of Number 11 - Birth Date-11 In Hindi

Inform us! Send a message. Future Numerology forecasts for a day, week, year or 15 years. If you aren't focused on something specific, your energy is going to be all over the place.

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Denying your gut feeling can cause more harm than good. Because Life Path Number 11 is so focused on faith , letting your instincts guide you is more important than looking for tangible evidence.

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It can be difficult to overcome these challenges when your intuition is multiplied by 11 get it? Take risks, follow your heart, and live life spontaneously , and if you have a bad feeling about something, trust yourself. If your Life Path Number is 22, you have no problem completing tasks. Being able to efficiently make your dreams a reality is a great character trait you possess. If you took time out to believe in your abilities instead of beating yourself up for not reaching your goals in time, life would be easier. You are already down-to-earth, rational, and a hard worker.

Having those three qualities is great, and you don't need to produce results all the time to prove how good you are. Adding to make 4, 22 carries all of the qualities of a 4 Life Path Number , but felt at a higher frequency. Master Numbers have an important role in combining important energies between people, and 22 take this on intensely. It builds and creates all things good in the world if harnessed correctly.

Master Number 11 – Meaning, Personality, Sex Life

The number 22 is one of the most powerful in numerology. Considered to be the Master Builder, it has the power to turn all dreams into a reality. It's expansive and knows no limits, yet it's also disciplined and rational. It sees the ideal and brings it down to earth to make it real. Concerned with the greater good , 22 has big ideas and expansive plans, but carries the leadership and self-confidence necessary to make these things happen.