Aquarius horoscope february 2021 full moon

A Fresh Forecast Taking You Through The Year Ahead.
  1. Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Calendar 2021
  2. Monthly Horoscope for January 2021
  3. Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Calendar - Tarot-Astrology
  4. Okay, now jump to your Moon sign:
  5. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope 2021

Jan 28, at Full Moon. Heart, aorta, blood pressure, blood circulation. Feb 11, at Calf, ankle, shin, Achilles. Feb 27, at Pancreas, small intestine, digestive tract. Mar 13, at Feet, toes, pineal gland. Mar 28, at Kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, skin.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Calendar 2021

Apr 12, at Head, teeth, tongue, arteries. Apr 27, at Full Moon S. Genitals, anus, urethra, prostate. May 11, at But, with preparation and patience, you can survive these periods and, in the process, make slightly less maddening than the previous year. Mercury will be retrograde from January 30 to February 20, muddling your sense of direction along the way. As with any retrograde, resistance is futile — for the next three weeks, you may feel a little scattered, even aimless, when trying to make your hopes and dreams a reality.

You may just need to take a new, unconventional approach to your goals during this period.

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  4. Mars enters Taurus.
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  6. February 2021 Monthly Horoscope;
  7. Sagittarius.

And, not to worry, the new moon on March 13 will unfold in your house of wellness and routines, helping you return to your regular schedule with a renewed sense of what you need to feel truly well. Your sign will be next to host Mercury retrograde , from September 27 to October And these will have much more immediate effects on your life and understanding of comfort. From January 30 to February 20, the first Mercury retrograde of the year will drum up confusion and unrest within your home, demanding that you take a second look at issues and projects you may have thought were already settled.

Professorial Saturn will try a different tact with its teachings when it begins its annual retrograde on May During this period, try to think in the long- and short-term: What do you want home to look like in five years? What can you do in the coming months to get closer to that vision? Refresh your chore chart, nurture your nest egg, and spend time with your closest friends.

Your sign will host a full moon and lunar eclipse on May 26, bringing your place in the world to the forefront of your mind. You may realize how much time you spend waiting in the wings or, conversely, standing at center stage.

Monthly Horoscope for January 2021

What needs to change in order for you to be treated the way you believe you deserve? Namely, December 4 will see the new moon and a partial solar eclipse arrive in your sign. An evolution of the self is coming for you, Sag, just in time to end the year with a new sense of who you are and who you hope to be. This year will ask you to take a hard look at your finances in the short and long-term, Cap.

The first Mercury retrograde of the year will occur on January 30 and inspire a newly conservative approach to money.

Mercury Retrograde In The Air Signs

When in doubt, get advice from those you trust, who can offer some perspective on your priorities. Your ruling planet, stern Saturn, will be retrograde from May 23 to October 10, reinforcing and expanding upon the message you received from Mercury back in January. As you may recall, the ringed planet has been hanging out in your money house for some time now, urging measured decision-making and clear-headed thinking around material worth.

This will be a period of revision, more than a period of loss or gain, necessarily. As challenging as it may be to retread the questionable money decisions you made in the last year or so, it is undeniably an opportunity to learn and do better in the future.

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Calendar - Tarot-Astrology

During this period, you may feel pushed to please those around you at the cost of your individualism. Can you thread the needle in a way that satisfies all parties? Your ruling planet, unconventional Uranus, begins its annual retrograde on August 19 in your home and hearth sector. This mad scientist of a planet has been posted up in this area of your chart for some time now, inciting a gradual evolution within your private home life.

Dynamics within your family unit may be shifting; loved ones might be lashing out; major milestones may have come and gone without even a nod of recognition. Uranus will continue its backspin for the rest of the year, meaning you have plenty of time to sit with these feelings and determine your next steps. These Gemini- and Sagittarius-ruled eclipses will catalyze huge shifts in the way we think and communicate with our surroundings, as well as how we relate to the world at large.

Okay, now jump to your Moon sign:

We're learning to understand our emotions and relationships on a more logical level and changing up our personal belief system. Thanks to the eclipses, our spiritual compasses and thought processes might look different once rolls around. Be prepared to turn up the heat this summer. When romantic and sensual Venus aligns with bold and passionate Mars , you can bet that there will be sparks — especially when they meet within the realm of a dramatic fire sign like Leo, as they will on July A conjunction aspect between these two planets only occurs once every two years, and it'll kick off a new cycle when it comes to relationships, sexual expression, and creativity.

We're getting bolder in the way we chase after what we want and being more expressive about what brings us pleasure.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope 2021

On top of it, neither Venus nor Mars will retrograde this year, so things will be running relatively smoothly in their areas of rulership. Saturn is the planet of rules, restrictions, and traditions, and it's spending the year in unconventional Aquarius. Uranus, on the other hand, is the change-making planet of awakenings and shock value, and it'll be in the stubborn and grounded sign of Taurus for the duration of the year.

These conflicting planetary energies will come head-to-head on three separate occasions during the course of , forming tense square aspects with each other on February 14, June 14, and one final time on December