Astrology nessus conjunct sun

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  1. Chiron and Friends - Nessus
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  3. Relationships That Really CANNOT Work—Nessus Conjunct the Sun.
  4. Nessus conjunct the Sun in Synastry
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However what she wants is a bit colder than his fluffy family aspiration Libra Venus in 8th house of making children. She would almost definitely have trouble conceiving. She wants children with him, for maybe deceptive reasons, her Mercury in his 7th. The Moon in Libra is often indicative of a prostitute Libra in general, especially Sun too or at least a woman who can cut off her conscience and feelings from her actions entirely, like a man. Jupiter in Libra can support this, with a woman who makes money from her sex life casting couch?

Her Algol conjunct his Ceres. If he expects her to be a kind mother, he is sorely mistaken. She could be sadistic to his children to hold him to ransom. Her Sedna trine his Mercury.

Chiron and Friends - Nessus

She could betray him once they are married, great deception is possible. His Nessus conjunct her Sun, insatiable passion at first. Smoldering passion often becomes seething resentment. In the myth, Nessus dies. He brings his own downfall due to his lustful choices. She is the stronger of the two.

It can be used constructively but it takes an utterly selfless person to do so. By far. No fighting fair, pure revenge and spite motive if pushed offended.


Eris tests, sows discord, enjoys ruin. Her Pholus sextile his Chiron.

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  • Astrology Nessus Conjunct Sun!
  • Relationships That Really CANNOT Work-Nessus Conjunct the Sun. - My Christian Psychic.
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Quite literally. Her Dejanira is clear, she is by no means a victim. His Dejanira is square her Mars. She could wound him. A moody Mars. Her Venus opposite his Medusa. Her Medusa trine his Vertex, square his Bilk. She has Lie opposite his Mars, she is a liar.

Anything bad happens, she will lie about it. Right to the papers or Oprah. Her Medea square his Venus, trine his Moon. Evil revenge. Medea kills her two children to spite their father. Last to see it.


Her Neptune, planet of deceit, conjunct her Karma. Her Karma square his Sun. Bacchus conjunct her North Node, he wants to party with her and have wild orgiastic sex. He brings her plenty. Her Lust trine his Kallisto dark beauty. His Kallisto sextiles hers. Kallisto in her first, she uses her race as a strength. Her Lust ambient conjunction to his Helena. She knows this. Oh boy, does she know this. Their Psyche oppose one another. He has Kleopatra conjunct Neptune opposite her Helena. She has Kleopatra somewhat close to the Ascendant but in the 12th.

Very power hungry.

Relationships That Really CANNOT Work—Nessus Conjunct the Sun.

His Eros sextile her Pluto. His Psyche trine her Moon. Her Psyche conjunct her Mercury. Quite nice? You are commenting using your WordPress.

Nessus conjunct the Sun in Synastry

You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. How about an astrological experiment? Pick up a drink.

It will be interesting to see what plays out. We have years to see. This is the bog standard, basic chart.

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Their connections suck. You can see examples of great synastry charts in other couples. For example, Liz Taylor. He is a; Virgo — demanding and perfectionistic. I guess he thinks her feminism will satisfy her politically… Venus in Libra and she does have a stellium there grouping of planets , good sign. Their major angles do NOT align, terrible indicator. Well, see for yourself. False promises. Her POF sextiles his Lilith, she seems like a good lover for him, compatible. Her Neptune conjunct his Mars, she could deceive him or blind him with desire.

We are not going to cover all aspects, it would take days. You can do it. His Saturn in her 4th house of home and family.

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He can see himself settling down with her. Her Pluto in his 9th. She challenges his beliefs. His Vertex in her 2nd.