Cancer horoscope march 2021 full moon

2018 astrology for lovers : yearly, monthly, weekly
  2. Cancer Horoscope - Cancer Yearly Predictions
  3. Horoscope 2021 - Cancer Zodiac Sign
  4. Money & Career

As Venus, the planet of affection goes retrograde you reignite past romantic sparks and find something new and unexpected. By Sunday 8th you call the shots again and someone is around to help you celebrate. Saturn, the planet of ambition, sees you achieving amazing things but it takes its toll on your physical powers. You feel tired and worn-out with reality, and need a rainbow to head towards.

Chin up! Pacing yourself with rest and massages is vital, and having a touch of the left-field and offbeat is a positive tonic. Your mojo soon returns and the positive comparison is truly uplifting. You appreciate people with wit and sparkle mid-month and a romantic departure is nearer than you think.

A touch of human drama suits your Libran style and you unravel mysteries in your closest affairs, according to the March horoscope.


Someone from the past calls unexpectedly and gives you new choices. If partners are acting out of character, then take the chance to look around for a new model. A touch of kismet works in your affairs; a full-circle feeling that always has the final word. The upshot is that you are well-off in your existing situation but you look at your partner through new eyes.

Make the most of the expansive feeling surrounding you, and look actively into your myriad career and travel options. Jupiter, the planet of joy, stretches your sense of the possible but Libran couch-potatoes yes will miss the moment. The New Moon on Tuesday 24th is a romantic revelation when someone who understands is worth their place in your team.

Cancer Horoscope - Cancer Yearly Predictions

You are open to change and welcome taking a few more career chances. Of all signs, you are best placed to take advantage of the revolutionary energy of the time — the challenge between the old and new ways of getting things done. Uranus, the planet of sudden change, sits beautifully and lets you introduce a radically new image in a gentle and graceful fashion. Instead of settling for the regular route in work and love, aim for something quirkier and closer to your heart. You know you are worth it.

Your thinking is sharp between the 10th and 26th when decisions and communication of all kinds go smoothly. Trust yourself at this point and even jot some of your brilliant schemes down to peruse later on. Restless desires remain around your home and you demand to travel on a whim. The balance between where you live and where you work still tops your agenda and you would like to have the issue settled.

Security becomes important, as well as freedom, which is the regular Sagittarian holy of holies. Charm is on your side, as Venus, the planet of love turns backwards, and you welcome a new challenge in your affairs. Think laterally when an apparent setback or unexpected quirk hits your affairs and you end up with more options than when you started. Friday 20th sees a honeymoon quality put back into your relationships.

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Your goals are sharpening up, even by your own ambitious standards. Set your own agenda and the deeper you explore your personal obsession, the more satisfaction you get from it. Soon they will start looking back anyway and take inspiration from you. Pluto, the planet of rebirth, ensures nothing gets wasted and creative recycling showcases your canny Capricorn qualities like nothing else. Check impulse buys on Sunday 8th and takes an expert friend along to advise.

You are in a great rush in the first half of March, proving what you can do. You have known it, now you demonstrate it to all. A fitness kick has the desired effect or doing anything positive that tires you out.

Cancer February 2021 Astrology (Must-Knows)

Mercury Retrograde enters Aquarius on 4th March After the 15th, your mind is on money and spoiling yourself with a long-overdue treat. Expect a change of heart on Sunday 22nd, when financial freedom takes top priority. Think big all month and exceed your tired old projections. Jupiter, the planet of prosperity, always brings its best results when you dream on an infinite scale. Like this: Like Loading February Monthly Horoscope.

Horoscope 2021 - Cancer Zodiac Sign

Sometimes, things will get out of control and they will encounter unpleasant situations. It is recommended to maintain a good relationship with co-workers during March and April. The first half of the year will come with unexpected spending. This could lead to a small financial crisis, but things will get better in time. It is possible for you to inherit a substantial amount of money or a house. This half of the year will bring personal spending.

Fortunately, the second half of the year is completely free of financial problems. They need to avoid purchasing things of great value and try to save money. Although they will enter the new year with joy and satisfaction emotionally, suspicion and inner unease seem to threaten their good mood. The life partner will be understanding, willing to communicate, therefore they need to leave their fears aside and confess their feelings.

By the middle of March, they will cross a more delicate period, which will improve towards the end of spring. Venus can also bring uncertainty in the life of the single natives that went through disappointments in the past. Yet, there are unexpected chances of exciting meetings and romantic moments during the summer, which can make the romantic life more pleasant.

If you already have someone in your life, the first months of the year will offer you one of the most beautiful times of the year. And if you are single, you will fall in love with someone and live somewhere on some pink clouds, away from the earth. For the rest of the year, you are going to oscillate between moments of fulfilment and dissatisfaction.

No matter if they have a reason for that or not. Some natives might even get involved in extramarital affairs. The single ones spend their time collecting as many new conquests as they can. Self-confidence increases sensitively and love relationships are pretty good, but not on long-term.

Decan 1 Cancer Horoscope 2021

Therefore, be careful with whom you share your feelings and who you trust because you never know if that person is truly your soul mate. Anyway, you must learn how to relax and how to take advantage of the time spend with your friends and family, especially now around holidays.

Money & Career

Those of you involved in a stable relationship have no reason to worry. May, October, and December are the most romantic months for you. The most compatible zodiac signs with the Cancer native in love relationships are: Taurus , Virgo , Scorpio , and Pisces. Cancer, the most sensitive sign of all zodiac, desires love, family and stability. And they can get all these from the same water sign. The Pisces natives will overwhelm them with their devotion, the Scorpio is extremely attentive when they are loves, while the Cancer knows how to love with passion.

Taurus and Virgo can be other good options in a love relationship, these signs offering the Cancer the stability they need, although it might be a bit too hard to take all the criticism of the Virgo or the coldness of the Taurus.