January 2021 aquarius astrology

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  1. Free Aquarius Monthly Horoscope | Aquarius January Astrology Predictions | Astro Yukti
  2. Aquarius Monthly Horoscope January 2021
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  4. Aquarius 2021 Horoscope – Love, Money, Health, Career

Your love life is full of passion. Things are going well. Progress is being made.

Free Aquarius Monthly Horoscope | Aquarius January Astrology Predictions | Astro Yukti

Your mind is sharp. Time for a change. Back to flying high. Stress will kick in. Love is your priority. In , you were subjected to situations where you struggled to find control. A certain amount of instability awaited you and threw you off course.

You had to wait until the end of the year to realize that these changes were finally positive. Aquarius horoscope Yearly predictions ratings:. Leave a comment.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope January 2021

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No time to relax. Romance will be put on pause. Strongest compatibility:. Best month:. This month is about growth in life by being closer to God, you will love everyone. Finance: The money flow will be good for you this month as Venus is well placed.

Aquarius 2021 Horoscope – Love, Money, Health, Career

Any irregularity and financial stress you had in previous months will be reversed this month. You can clear your loans and debts with the help of your siblings and friends and start a fresh page in your life from now on. Career: This month shows professional growth but not without hurdles. You can grow as much as you want in career but if you use your guts and boldness in a positive way. You will have obstacles on your path to success but you will know how to remove them one by one from the path as Mars is well placed in Aries this month.

You can speak to your boss about rise in salary and job role, you will have the courage to demand what you deserve. Business: Partnership business can be somewhat dull for you this month. You can meet your future business partners and make good deals with them but your boldness can lead to some arguments and they may get upset with you. There will be too much competition in your business but with your courage you can get the deals. You need to decide carefully about contracts and tenders.

Be careful before investing in anything. Professionals: Aquarius professionals are by nature research lovers who love evidence based discussion in anything in life. They like to know everything advantages and disadvantages of any action before committing to anything. Your seniors at work will appreciate your knowledge and experience this month. The more, the merrier? It all begins on December 21, at the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an exact alignment that only happens every 20 years.

Even better? Perhaps even further, since Pluto will historically enter your sign right as Saturn exits in two years, its first visit since ! Adding insult to injury, vivacious Mercury is also in this collaborative and festive zone from December 1 to 20, making it SO hard to not feel a bit of heartbreak over canceled holiday parties and restrictions on in-person socializing.

But you CAN still get your seasonal joy on virtually or in creative ways. Watch your spending on Sunday, December 13, when Mercury squares off against no-limits Neptune in your money sector. Summon the courage and creativity once again to suggest a Secret Santa exchange—or even forgo gifting except within your tightest inner circle.

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Ready or not, this week is the beginning of a HUGE new life chapter for you. In a rare convergence, TWO planets—lucky Jupiter and structured Saturn—will both move into Aquarius, their first visits here since and , respectively. As these planetary powerhouses settle into your sign for an extended stretch, your personal goals come front and center.

A bold and definitive new start is arriving, one that will unfold over the next three decades yes, it really IS that serious.

Know More About Aquarius Zodiac

Everything from your personal appearance and style to your priorities to your lifestyle is up for a serious review, if not an outright overhaul. But first: Who are the people on Team Aquarius? Your squad is about to get a major overhaul this Monday, December 14, when a total solar new moon eclipse sweeps through your eleventh house of groups, teamwork and technology.

You could be invited to join forces with a cutting-edge crew, creatively collaborating on a world-changing project, one that potentially involves technology think: app, podcast, YouTube channel and betters society. Saturn has actually been in Aquarius since December , and Jupiter since December It was like an extended sabbatical, compounded by the sheltering-in-place of the pandemic. There may have been some losses or sacrifices that weighed heavily on your soul, but there was also a rich emotional texture to the year, a vulnerable new quality to your bonds.

One Aquarian New Yorker we know spent the year in Europe, doing a bit of remote work but also learning to paint, cooking with ingredients sourced safely from the outdoor markets and reading stacks of novels with a quiet cup of tea. Another traveled home to support her mother during an unexpected medical diagnosis while another lost a parent unexpectedly and got through a few months of her life unraveling. Here it comes!

These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years. You had a taste of Saturn in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, , when the ringed taskmaster briefly visited your sign. It may even have felt like being awakened in the middle of a really trippy dream by a boot camp trainer who flips on fluorescent lights, blows a whistle and sends you to a cold shower. Now as Saturn returns to Aquarius accompanied by inspirational and adventurous Jupiter, starting a new chapter feels as thrilling as it ought to, even if you recognize there is work and a more measured pace to take.


This divine duo will unite at the closest point in their orbits since , melding their celestial superpowers and kickstarting the Aquarian Adventures that await. Just as Jupiter and Saturn turn the corner into your sign, the winter solstice arrives and the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Capricorn. Are you avoiding dealing with painful emotions or facing a deep inner truth?