Capricorn february 2021 psychic tarot reading

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These sun sign horoscopes are written by experienced astrologers. They study the positions of the astronomical bodies and use their knowledge and intuition to predict how each zodiac sign will be affected. Aries Mar Apr Taurus Apr May Gemini May Jun Cancer Jun Jul Leo Jul Aug Virgo Aug Sep Libra Sep Oct Scorpio Oct Nov Sagittarius Nov Dec Capricorn Dec Jan Aquarius Jan Feb Pisces Feb Mar Do you need in-depth advice?

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Talk to Psychic. Many a politician, economist and trader has visited this website and read the monthly predictions, concerning future global economical trends, including subsequent stock market directions and possible overtones; his predictions are astoundingly accurate. The eclipse, together with a variety of planetary aspects for December, will be the key that gradually opens the door and urges world governments and the global population to seek out and unearth new experiences in life, after a long period of economic limitation, recession, and pandemic isolation.

With Mercury rumours clashing with Neptune illusions in Pisces sympathetic , many conspiracy theorists will still be convinced that the Chinese pandemic was secretly propelled around the world by China during this presidential election year to create illusion, economic panic and to eliminate Donald Trump from office.

Astrologically, from December onward people will be encouraged to experiment with life by going beyond their present boundaries and seeking new emotional security and freedom through changes of habit and routine. Explorers, scientists, educators and students alike will begin to investigate new ideas, trends, methods, learnings, interests, activities and the future procurement of new productive knowledge and skills. Global finances, electronic banking transfers and telecommunications, broadcasting networks and social media will also encounter reforms, regulations, unaccustomed new transmission services and directions.

Times are now slowly changing for many decades in the future. Expect to witness a period ahead of recovering health and economic conditions, and ground-breaking market and trade opportunities that will benefit the global economy and security during With Jupiter law and order and Saturn accountability and organisation entering the zodiac sign of Aquarius on the 17th and 21st respectively, major political changes around the globe will be actioned. The last time these two planets entered Aquarius reasoning, intelligence was and It was during the cycle, when Saturn entered Aquarius, that George H.

The White House, due to unexpected circumstances, could witness the overtaking of the office by the first black female democratic president for a short term, as the planetary aspects appear to show a different career direction for Kamala Harris. Astrologically, it appears that by the Presidential Election, with Saturn mature , a new, younger, unknown male candidate will be nominated to represent the Republican Party.

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Interesting to note, Xi Jinping Gemini commences his new year Jupiter cycle expansion from May 26, onward, hence the world can expect to see much internal debate and political directional transformation within the hierarchy of the CCP and Chinese military during this period. With the Sun energy connecting with Mars manufacturing continuing to transit the zodiac sign of Aries engineering until January 6, , expect an immediate response by the US government to re-joining the Paris agreement.

Biden will be subject to controversial mis-information regarding climate change and global warming targets by investment entrepreneur Al Gore Aries and his team of climate change investing enthusiasts. Unfortunately, according to the US horoscope, there is immense trouble on the horizon, especially during May 6, to April 30, , regarding American climate change policies and laws, also in conjunction with the Climate Change Conference in Scotland in November which, according to the global and US horoscopes, will certainly reflect on the American labour market, retrenching many miners and workers in the coal, oil, and gas industries during the next three years.

According to Joe Biden's horoscope Scorpio his inauguration on 20 January indicates a reasonably smooth transition of power from Trump. From December 21st, when Mars anger clashes with Pluto demonstrations, unrest , the US can expect Biden to authorise his first executive order to counter the pandemic. The US can expect, from December to March , higher taxation, increased interest rates, low wages, and a rapid rise in the cost of living for American citizens. With Saturn restrictive in the spending sector of Aquarius, clashing with Uranus sudden and unexpected in the financial sign of Taurus, the US can also expect a massive blowout of national debt through government borrowings and spending.

Capricorn January To Another www.eyepeaservices.comorn Tarot Reading

Biden will be under severe political and economic pressure during his presidential cycle as Uranus, planet of opposition and unexpected change, opposes his natal Mars challengers creating much confusion and pressure with a possible hostile Senate controlled by Republicans. With the Sun energy , Mercury communications and Mars action all presently in transit and affecting the zodiac sign of Aries impatience , the world will be tested in extreme ways.

During December, with the Sun encouragement and Mercury discussion in Sagittarius, clashing with Neptune coastal in Pisces during the 9th and 14th, the festive season will see oil and petrol prices rising, together with airfare increases, causing disappointment through extra expense for many householders who are considering a vacation.

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From the 16th, Venus holidays will enter Sagittarius travel influencing back-to-back travel congestion on the roads as people get away to their favourite holiday venue. Care should be taken while travelling, especially between the 16th and 28th; this is an accident-prone period with Mars accidents clashing with Pluto road rage influencing impatience, neglect, and speed.

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Weather conditions and uncompleted roadworks may also create traffic problems. Jupiter holy matters and Saturn faith will join forces during the 21stst, bringing together many abstract principles, worship, religious pursuits, beliefs, penances, meditation and understanding. For those wishing to attend festive religious services, many religious followers could not wish for a better time to give thanks or forgiveness as churches and mosques regain higher numbers in attendance.

Although December will continue to be a restrictive month in many ways, the spirituality and optimism within people will be strong. With Venus happiness in transit through Scorpio steadfastness and Sagittarius extensive attitude throughout December, many families can now breathe a sign of relief as the daily pressures begin to show signs of alleviation and future happiness can now be fulfilled.

However, Mars will still transit the impatient sign of Aries until January 6, ; expect a sequence of alcohol-induced sexual crimes, domestic violence, robberies and arson.