Kozminsky degrees astrology

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This page was last edited on 27 March , at Content is available under these permissions. Kozminsky, Isidore. Gender : M. Rectified from approx. Rodden Rating C. Collector : Liefeld. I think of Elsie to this very day. Come hear the music play. Life is a Cabaret, old chum, Come to the Cabaret. Today, 3 September, Elsie Wheeler, dreamcatcher of the Sabian Symbols, celebrates her th birthday!

Louis, Missouri. An aviation enthusiast, Elsie was treated to an air trip back to St Louis, as a guest of Lester Prosser, a pilot with his own plane eek! However, Mrs Prosser treated Elsie to a new Spring wardrobe…….. And how weird that the actual date was never recorded by MEJ: a man whose lifes work was all about looking up dates………….

There was no doubt about the time and place of their development, however, Marc deliberately hid the time to prevent silly astrologers from trying to cast a chart of their birth and make their own interpretation about it. Frank R. Kegan, Psy.

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Worth reading. November , Elsie wheeled out of this universe at the age of 51 eek! The Prophetic Sabian Symbols. Sabian Symbol Oracle. Your Lunar return is the monthly chart of the instant the Moon in the sky returns to the exact position it was at your birth. Like your natal chart, or any other kind of horoscope, a Lunar return is a chart of a beginning — in this case, the monthly beginning of the lunar cycle that started at your birth, which is the cycle of your response to your environment, including your emotions, feelings, interactivity, social well-being, and generally how creatively you react to the challenges and opportunities of life.

It works on the principle that when you begin something — anything — everything that flows from it is bound up in the initial conditions under which it started. The beginning is your foundation, and you build and rest upon it until you are finished. A Lunar return is the astrological depiction of the new beginning you make each month and what results from it until the next cycle begins. My travels through all things astrological have brought me to checking out the Lunar Return and discovering that from 17 August until 13 September, I have a Cosmic Cross vibe happening.

It calls for a very self-contained individual, possesing a great supply of inner strength and stamina. What does this all mean? Well, the Sabian Symbols provide the key for the energies of the Cosmic Cross:. Throughout time people have told stories to help them understand the nature of reality.

Artists have illustrated those stories. The modern day equivalent of these stories is science.

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The science that deals most directly with questions about the nature of reality is physics. The stories that physics tell about the nature of reality are expressed in equations. To understand this equation requires four dimensions. Mass occupies space which is commonly understood as having three dimensions.

Speed requires movement. Movement is change from one location in space to another over time. Without time there can be no speed.

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Space and time are inextricably woven together. Without time there is no space; without space there can be no time. The common cube exists within three dimensions of space: height, width and depth. It is drawn on a flat plane, i. The diagonal lines represent the third dimension. A tesseract is a four dimensional cube: height, depth, width and time.

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Because we are not equipped to see in four dimensions, a tesseract cannot be seen with the human eye. To draw one requires a second diagonal representing the fourth dimension.

Degrees ~ Sabian Symbols | The Violet Hour

But science does not stop at four dimensions. Alternative realities are often thought to exist in a parallel dimension, a fifth dimension that contains all the alternative possibilities your life could have played out as well as those of all the other people who ever have or ever will exist. The fifth dimension, then, includes all possible universes. Two diagonals are used to reduce the four dimensional cube down to two to allow drawing the tessaract on a flat plane.

A further reduction can be accomplished conceptually by slowing time to zero. The fifth dimension expands and becomes the fourth filling the space occupied by time. Movement through time becomes movement across the range of alternate realities.

This experience is common to many mystical traditions. Buddhist enlightenment, for example, is achieved in this way through meditation. One needs no knowledge of physics to access the mystical layers of the tesseract. By gently focusing on the center of the painting, you will notice a lively motion. Lines appear to move, disappear and re-appear. The more you are able to let go of grasping at the pattern and to relax into observing without holding, the slower time seems to pass.

An epiphany occurs when the pattern disappears entirely. Time stops and alternative realities are accessible. Text and Imaged sourced from: CharlesWinstead. The Marguerite Daisy essence is one of basic protection in the area of heart energy. This may be in the area of weakness of will. Ken who? September 11, Leo 4: A formally dressed man and a deer with its horns folded. Fire Chaplain. Lord, take me where You want me to go,.

Degree Symbol 101 - Scorpio 22° - 23°

The Blue Print September 3, Cancer A woman and two men on a bit of sunlit land facing south. This offering from the Sabian Assembly is revealing: The students themselves picked the word Sabian , which was lucky because it afterward turned out that the Sabians were a Mohammedan group, and nobody knew just what they were.

Kozminsky Symbol : Two young men carrying huge bunches of large grapes on a pole between them, giving freely of the fruit to troops of children. Lenny's Comment : My failures fill me with grief, my successes with trepidation.