Gemini march 23 horoscope 2021

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Libra :Look on the bright side.

Gemini, 2021 The Veil Is Lifted-- You're Set Free

You will not make the same mistake twice. At least, not in exactly the same way!

Horoscope Yearly Predictions for Every Zodiac Sign | Allure

Scorpio: It is well worth reminding you that the main difficulty now lies in your failure to let go of the past. It is by refusing to face up to the present that you allow opportunities to slip by — and so let yourself down. If you tackle all those old regrets and resentments, you will soon be much happier. Sagittarius : You are reaching a turning point in your financial situation. What is really at issue, though, is a number of your priorities — and the completely irrational values you put on various people and objects.

Have you misjudged somebody?

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If so, make amends now. Capricorn : There is nothing to be gained from suppressing your dreams and adopting a crude materialistic approach. You must have faith in your imagination plus the courage to follow your intuitions, even when this means putting yourself out on a limb.

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Aquarius : You may think you are good with money, but you must now endeavour to be more selective in your choice of business companions. Sensitive friends and family members may encourage you to be too influenced by first, and perhaps misleading, impressions. Pisces: Does it seem that other people, including those whom you count among your friends, have been unnaturally cold, unfriendly or secretive? It is possible that part of the problem lies with your own failure to communicate? In that case, break down personal barriers as soon as you can.

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Yearly Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Gemini

Top news. The spirit of the season and all it represents in the way of connection, creates perplexing friction with the logistical stress of leaving our safe bubbles or pods.

Gemini Love Horoscope 2021

The moon is sextile Neptune at p. In the late afternoon, the moon forms an auspicious sextile to Neptune in Pisces, generating a tranquil ambiance, perfect for relaxing with our nearest and dearest. Lights, sounds, and smells have the effect of conjuring up happy memories, and the overall feeling is one of serenity and peace.

The sun is square Chiron at p.

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Before midnight, the sun in Capricorn creates a square to Chiron in Aries, creating anxieties around proving ourselves and measuring up. Yet we forget that although traditions solidify our place in the chain of our lineage, we individually act as unique links, and the function of a link is not only to connect but to bring our own design to the sequence.

The essence of tradition is not to emulate, but to honor our participation, which means leaving space to create new memories, to pass down some of our Self to the generations that come after us.