Leo january 30 2021 weekly horoscope by marie moore

  1. What November's Leo Horoscope Predictions Mean for You
  2. Gemini Horoscope - Astrology - Gemini Monthly Horoscopes and Astrological Overview
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I can identify with LB because when younger I did not discriminate and I was very unclear about boundaries. My friends are few and they are precious to me and that is where my wealth lies. First of all, cool descriptions.

What November's Leo Horoscope Predictions Mean for You

I have Sun in Pisces conjunct Venus at a 5 degee orb, and trine Pluto at a 7 degree orb, also Sun and Venus opposite my Ascendant, and, in my case, my looks have rather been a source of low self-esteem. It is a slow process because it takes a bit of research in our chart files. I have a Sun conj. Venus… in 10th house.

Gemini Horoscope - Astrology - Gemini Monthly Horoscopes and Astrological Overview

Not so fun. Y have had lovers -important people- at my job, specially when I was young… but would like to have a serious and compromised relation. It is funny, but also, I flirt a lot with people that has something to learn about me.


And I can be a heart breaker. This trines with sun and pluto, I also have, you know! I so much remember what Redfield said about souls reconning learings and mixing with love. I feel confused. My mars in 12 gives me hardtimes, though I would much like to be so fair… but I sure am not always able to. My Chiron is in 8th house and so is my Lillith.

Sometimes, I get the hanged man on Tarot readings… no wonder. Hope it is helpful and that I go through, in spite of all these contradictions: being Aries, ascendant Cancer…. That makes a big difference! Sun and Venus opposite Neptune would account for any disappointment. My ex had this aspect at 5. And so true about the native needing an audience to shower them with adoration, but it never being enough.

Very bluntly honest of me — but it used to make me feel sick to watch him lap up all the complements and flattery with this charming sweet smile around his family who actually never knew the real him, and then I would get to see his aggressive side all the time!

I think the combust is a bit like a mask that the native is hiding behind. Maybe they can be hard to trust too? I have Sun combust exact at 10 degrees 13 minutes in Virgo. P Sun conj my N Venus….. Great Ann!!!!

I already have a chil: 10 years old. I am 45 years old,so i dont want more children. My venus rules 4 and 11 houses. Venus is in 10 house. So i am divorsed, but moost of all i want to find love of my life. This retrograde venus, bring to me a man from my work. Too much older than me. Nothing done for now.

Sun Conjunct Venus Transit

Only talkings, chat, he is married: He wants me as i see. I want him too. But too much missunderstanding for now. I am pisces , he is scorpio. Very karmic meeting. I met him november in work. I realize that i like him in january-february this year. In retrograde shadow of venus. We never met alone….. He do things slowly, maybe affraids.

Annual Meetings

I am only affrad of venus retrugrade, cause i want thing happen….. I dont want to loose him. So i left things in his hands….. Previous 2 weeks we where quarreled. But i made the first step to make things out. And he was happy and calm i feel…about this. I wonder is he the man brought by fate…. I have a stationary Venus at 29 degrees 53 minutes Leo exactly conjunct Regulus and my Midheaven at 29 degress 53 minutes, conjuncting Pluto in Virgo by four degrees, exactly sextiling my Sun at 29 degrees 53 minutes Virgo, trining my Saturn in Capricorn at zero degrees and squaring my Jupiter in Scorpio in the first house at 28 degrees, also sextiling neptune in Scorpio in my twelfth house.

I love art, beauty, was very talented in music and got so much attention for my looks that by the time I was 21, I could hardly wait to turn 40 which I thought was old then , so I would stop getting so much attention and stop causing so many car accidents and fights. It was quite awful and I was quite shy and embarrassed about it. I taught myself to play the acoustic guitar, stand up bass, electric bass and was even invited to tour Europe with a youth symphony when I was 15 years old. However, I did grow up with an alcoholic father and in poverty, Saturn in the 2nd house and became drug-addicted and alcoholic myself, Neptune in Scorpio in the twelfth, Jupiter semi-square Mars , but have 18 years sobriety now.

This month, you'll be talking with people about events that happen far from you, in another city, or in another country. Taurus horoscope: taurus people spend something pleasing life during The year is favorable and comes with new opportunities in career, business. The family and friends will co-operate you in any worst situation. Astrology for taurus predicts that the year may overall be calm but there will problems, especially on the social front. Taurus monthly horoscope: find your free monthly taurus horoscope to get the best insights.

Acquire what lies into the future with the aid of your monthly horoscopes. Get your taurus monthly horoscope and your monthly taurus astrology from ganeshaspeaks. Read your monthly horoscope to learn what the stars have lined up for your life. May 20th marks their moment of exact, but the entire month of may and year of are powerful in this regard.


The energy for revolutionary and evolutionary change, that has been building all these past few years, peaks this month and indeed over the entire summer. In general, a serious, well-carved horoscope is what awaits you if you belong to this zodiac sign. With this sign, it is all about rebuilding on lost strength and regaining everything that has been lost. Taurus daily horoscope love based mostly upon the taurus daily horoscope for nowadays, it's doable you are experiencing new facts and exciting.

Taurus monthly astrology august with michele knight - duration: Aquarius september astrology forecast with barbara goldsmith - duration: Our emotions are steady, and common sense rules when it comes to handling domestic matters, money, and work. Zoe moon astrology june monthly this last year has been so powerfully epic for many of us, huge changes continue to rock our world as we move ever along our journey, evolving, building from the proverbial ashes, rising as the phoenix, learning more about ourselves during this intense period of our lives than we have in a long span before.

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