Aquarius man and aquarius woman are they compatible

Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love...
  1. Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman ⋆ Astromatcha
  2. Aquarius Zodiac Sign Love Compatibility & What Happens When Two Aquarians Date
  3. Aquarius Woman Aquarius Man Love Compatibility

Through their creative energies, they will achieve the milestones they have set in their various endeavors. If they can apply the same energy to make their relationship work, they will achieve their goals and dreams. Most of the things that the Aquarius natives go through happen in their mind. So, their victories or losses are determined by how they perceive each other. People born under this sign are not fiercely ambitious. They are content to work as long as it enables them to meet their goals. Most of their goals are centered on works of charity.

If they are both engaged in this kind of work, they will have no trouble co-existing.

Sagittarius woman and Aquarius Man Love Compatibility

Actually, this will give them the opportunity to get to know each other better. They will use their creativity to reach out to as many of those who deserve their help as they can. However, if they are involved in an occupation where they are required to lead or make major decisions, it will be an entirely different scenario. They strongly believe that their convictions or ideas should be the ones to carry the day. It will require much convincing for an Aquarius-born to consider a solution that is not their own.

So, they need to be left alone to do things their way here. As long as they have a track record of getting it right, they will deliver. Their methods are unusually peculiar, but they do deliver if given the space to operate on their own. Both male and female Water-bearers are unpredictable, logical, and practical.

This means that they have the potential to enjoy a high level of bonding. They both are very thoughtful of each other. One thing that really works in their favor is their great ability to appreciate each other. They will freely share their emotions and opinions. If this relationship is well nurtured, the two lovebirds will experience a unique level of fellowship in due time.

They know themselves quite well. Also, they agree on many fronts. For example, they both want to be more deeply involved in each other. The Aquarius girl is not content to be a housewife. She wants to be something more than this in this relationship.

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  • Aquarius Zodiac Sign Love Compatibility & What Happens When Two Aquarians Date | YourTango!
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  • Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman!
  • Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility From Linda Goodman’s Love Signs!
  • Aquarius Man – Aquarius Woman Compatibility!

The Aquarius man fully conquers. He seeks a spouse who will be something more than just being a wife. He desires a partner who will be a wise, friend, lover, and companion. This is the kind of partner he can freely share his ideas with. On her part, she hopes that he will be more than just an earning husband. She desires him to be also a father figure, friend, teacher, lover, and companion.

The love relationship between the Aquarius man and the Aquarius woman is beautiful and unique. These two have the power to create a connection that fulfills their every need. If this couple is determined in making this affair a success, they know what they need to do. They will have one of the most solid associations in the entire zodiac — if they take the right measures. As with all other associations, this couple needs to take care of certain things so that they can realize their goals. For example, they must look for ways to tone down their obstinacy.

Alternatively, they should put their natural stubbornness to good use. Additionally, they both must make deliberate efforts to be more attentive to each other. They sometimes tend to be too preoccupied with things that have no bearing on this relationship. The exquisite connection between the Aquarian man and the Aquarian girl can be enhanced by both partners adopting the right attitude. When two representatives of the Aquarius zodiac sign meet, you can expect magic to happen.

They have a clear understanding of each other. This couple needs to establish trust from the very beginning. Is it okay if i have your number? I have other friends but only like one or two. I hope to get married as well, to a decent husband, not a crappy one. Hugs and kisses! I have now an affair with aquarius man..

Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman ⋆ Astromatcha

And I am aquarius too.. I find myself being da 1 dat wants dis relationship to work bt when talking wth him he is friendly and claims to still luv me but da relationship is jst going down da drain infront of my eyes nd am very worrid. What should I do now? We just started seeing each other and are really stoked about our possibilities together as a power couple! His ideas are in sync and almost identical to what I want and need out of my mate til its frightening!

He showed up as a stranger willing to shovel my snow and dust off my car! Man dating. An Aquarius. My b-day Feb 5th hers Jan 30th. We fuss. We give one another space. In talk like friends when cooled off. But we get along for the most part in seem to read an understand.

One another well from day one.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign Love Compatibility & What Happens When Two Aquarians Date

We both born 91 also. Its like she. A girl me. Love it an hate it but I love her never had anything like this.

Aquarius Woman Aquarius Man Love Compatibility

Good evening I am 29 Jan and my girlfriend is 02 Feb We are fighting a lot. I cheated And she also cheated. I want to marry and not sure of her trust as she cheated before. As Sabrina stated, you both cheated on each other Selby. You both are in the wrong for this — even if neither of you accepts it. However; once you lose the trust in any type of relationship — the relationship is practically over, this includes friendships, boyfriends, marriage, etc.

Cheating on someone else who had done it to you can be a retaliating effect. There lies the problem. Might not be anytime soon, but eventually their behavior repeats, unless they truly learn something.

Good friends but he is very talkative and I have my faults of debating social issues. We dated while teenagers he cheated. We have been together for 7 years now. I love him with all my heart! Hope you have a long happy life with him. Lol aquarius woman. I met an Aquarius man who was born one day before me and so far, this is the most intense, amazing time of my life. We are on the same wave length so much it is actually frightening me, since I left a year marriage to a Libra almost a year ago. I have never dated an Aquarius man before, btu I find myself so deeply attached to this man in such a short time it is making me a little crazy.

We have talked about everything under the sun and are enjoying exchanging sexual fantasies— finally, a man who is as open to new experiences as I am, after a very vanilla marriage! I think this is some what true, but I was with my husband for 8 years until he past away 2 years ago. We never had a dull moment he was my all n I his.