Horoscope taurus 30 march

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  1. Taurus Monthly Horoscope
  2. Daily Horoscope in Urdu / Today's Urdu Horoscope
  3. Taurus Monthly Horoscope
  4. Vogue Edition

January 25 to February 16 — Mars in your decan gives energy, strength, and courage. January 28 to February 9 — Sun square your decan makes you work harder just to have things how you want them. January 28 to February 5 — Sun square Mars on February 1 can cause impatience, irritability, anger, frustration, and resentment.

More assertive people may test your limits. Avoid reacting with aggression.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

A defensive position is advised. Submit to authority, seek a compromise, or retreat if you are challenged. December 3 to January 8 — Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21 represents the end of a phase of life. It may feel like you have to advance to a higher level.

All year — Pluto trine your decan makes intensity, endurance, and passion part of your everyday life. This gives you awesome power and influence. Increased self-confidence helps you make big advances in all areas of life.

Daily Horoscope in Urdu / Today's Urdu Horoscope

Your sexual magnetism and self-assurance attract positive attention. January 1 to 8 — Mercury trine your decan brings good news and pleasant conversation. January 3 to 6 — Mercury conjunct Pluto on the 4th adds depth and intensity to your thinking and communications. You will have the power of persuasion and can influence other people. The probing and penetrating nature of your mind can get to the bottom of troubling issues and uncover secrets and plots.

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January 8 to 20 — Sun trine your decan brings inner calm and balance that adds harmony to your relationships. January 12 to 16 — Sun conjunct Pluto on the 14th gives the power, influence, and determination to reach your goals. Deep research and investigation enable you to uncover secrets and solve mysteries. This probing nature also applies at the psychological level. So this is a good time to break bad habits and to resolve relationship problems. January 13 to February 11 — New Moon January trine your decan has a harmonious and relaxing influence.

This is a good time for starting a new relationship. Gains can also be made in your professional life.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

This new moon opens up great opportunities for personal development and soul evolution. January 20 to February 9 — Mercury square your decan increases the tempo of life with mental activity, communications, short trips, and errands. Mercury retrograde from January 30 could cause communication and technology problems, anxiety, travel delays, and lost items.

Take care during important decisions and negotiations.

Vogue Edition

Some details will not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. It also means you have this same transit again from March 6 to January 23 to February 2 — Venus trine your decan lowers stress levels and makes it easy to relax. January 26 to 30 — Venus conjunct Pluto on the 28th dramatically increases your need for love and affection. Magnetic powers of sexual attraction can lead to an intense new karmic relationship. Deeper feelings of love in an existing relationship can evolve it to a more profound or spiritual level.

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Your Taurus January horoscope is based on planetary transits and moon phases to your decan. This is a more accurate and authentic method than the use of houses, zones or sectors. Menu Skip to content. This advice, by the way, can include people you work with as much as people you live with. Don't wait until they see eye-to-eye with you. Over the next two weeks you will show an increasing tendency to look on the bright side of life and, if you continue to believe that others are certain to help you on your way, they probably will do just that!

Some prophecies are self-fulfilling, which is why optimism breeds success. Mercury and Mars' intelligent alignments indicate that, where you have gone ahead without consent, you must now reach a retrospective agreement. It is no use just pretending that other people have no right to be consulted. You've got to keep them in the picture. If there's one thing that's certain, it's that nothing is certain! The Sun is but a short distance away from its passage into a whole new sector of your chart.

This is why you may consider the virtues of keeping certain plans to yourself, perhaps even for another few months. Superficially it looks like decision time, but no matter how hard others try to persuade you to make up your mind, it seems unlikely that any firm choices will be taken. Neither should they be. There is still more information to come along, so be patient.

If you've been flogging a dead horse at work, you must now give it a rest. Otherwise it may come as a greater shock when you realise you've been heading very fast down the nearest cul-de-sac! Still, you can console yourself with the knowledge that no experience is wasted, and that you can learn valuable lessons from your mistakes!

As for the highlights, the premium vehicle will sport a refreshed look and shall offer an upmarket cabin with a host of features. It will be available with a choice of BS6-compliant petrol as well as diesel engines. Here's our roundup. Three vaccine candidates are currently being considered for emergency use authorisation, including those from AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

Bharat Biotech has also applied for emergency approval. You're more intellectually active and brave about furthering your experiences. Venus graces your sign most of the month, emerging in Taurus on the 5th, and this serves to enhance your natural charm and appeal. You're turning heads, particularly around the , 22, and , and it's not only for your magnetism - your brains get attention as well. Make a few wishes, dare to say them aloud, and expect results. Venus spends several weeks in your sign every year, and this time around gets extra support.

March is excellent for the appreciation of your personality, both from others and yourself self-acceptance. You're more willing to put yourself out there. The Full Moon on the 9th brings your true feelings on a matter to the surface, and it happens when Mercury ends its retrograde. You'll see some results and forward movement after this date. Especially in the second half of March, you're in a stronger position to go after what you want. It's a good time to expand and pursue a new personal interest or course of study. It's also favorable for promoting yourself or your work, and for learning or advancing in your trade.

A compelling experience may happen now that changes your perspective. It can be a good time for making significant changes to educational, legal, and travel plans, or for building brand new ones based on newly-discovered passions.

اُردو زائچہ

You're expanding your horizons or your reach. A bold new interest or adventure may very well be in store. You feel especially passionate about your ideas in March. If life has been feeling a little stale recently, this is the boost or reinvigoration you need! There is a subtle shift in energy from the 20th forward when the Sun enters your privacy sector for a month-long stay. It's a natural period for withdrawing just a little so that you can renew your strength and vitality.

From the 21st, Saturn begins a long-term transit of your sector of career and reputation. This transit will be with you until July 1st, and then will return in December, after which the cycle runs until March During this cycle that will be with you more often than not in the next three years, you are likely to reassess your career and standing, realigning your attitudes to serve your purpose better and to get yourself on track.

Circumstances conspire to remind you of the importance of structure, responsibility, and reputation in your life. Many of you will be making changes in the coming years so that your career path better reflects the principles closest to your heart. There are more significant responsibilities, but also greater accomplishments possible.