Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 vedic astrology

Current & Upcoming Eclipses
  1. Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Astrology: Cosmic Change Agents
  2. What Makes Solar Eclipse on 21 June Special? Know The Reasons & Impact!
  3. Day to Day Transits for the Next 2 Weeks

As a result, you may reassess your assumptions, your business strategy, and the way you conduct business. Maybe you will feel that you had too many eggs in one basket by allowing this one artist to account for such a large part of your income. Maybe you will feel you were too trusting or did not remain competitive enough. You probably will have to draw up a quick plan to attract other talent to your stable — eclipses often form a time of complete evaluation, for they have the power to change everything related to the area of your life that eclipse is emphasizing.

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It can be a big or small event that changes everything. Indeed, often at eclipse time an important piece of information is given to you accidentally. Still, no matter how the information comes to you, it can set off a chain of events that will force you to see things in a new light. Eclipses bring events that you assumed were months or years away right up to your front door now. Suddenly your marriage plans will change in an instant — and you and your fiance may quickly marry in your own country so that you can move to England to begin your new life together.

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Timetables change in a blink of an eye. There is always a feeling of life moving very rapidly — it is life on fast-forward, or great acceleration.

Solar and Lunar Eclipses in Astrology: Cosmic Change Agents

Sometimes an event will make us sentimental at eclipse time, as we are very cognizant of the passage of time. Eclipses are brilliant illuminators, revealing a truth about a condition that you never in a million years knew existed. Once you are given the information, the news can act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will take. Most often we are shocked or surprised by the information that comes to us, for the eclipse is one of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get you to sit up, pay attention, and take action.

Eclipses are always your friends, for they are there to help to protect you. Always be grateful for truth. Here is another way to think about the way eclipse work: Imagine that a puzzle piece fell out of the sky into your hands. This new piece offers information, and when added to the overall picture of your puzzle will change the complexion of the situation and bring you a flash of insight. You will also know what you must do next. This is the experience of an eclipse!

You might have been operating in the dark for much too long, putting yourself in jeopardy. Once you know, you can make appropriate plans. Realize that there is little or no chance of getting things reversed. Eclipses demand that we forward, not backward to the way things used to be. Save your dignity and do not plead — eclipses are final. That would be your only option, but be aware that finding a permanent remedy to mend the problem is not likely. The eclipse wants you to have new experiences, so keep your eyes open for what is to come next.

While sometimes news at eclipse time will be delivered in a dramatic and obvious way, at other times, the news will come in much more subtly, as a secret or as a piece of gossip. Nevertheless it will foretell dramatic changes to come. The fact that you are hearing this near an eclipse means you must listen and investigate — do not ignore it, or by the time the next eclipse comes by in five and a half months from the date you hear this piece of information, the situation, may have grown bigger. Sometimes you are able to head off difficulties by paying attention to the signals you pick up at eclipse time.

If your birthday, for instance, falls on February 1, and the eclipse falls six months from your birthday, August 1, it is still significant, as it will be degrees away, and aimed directly at you, so to speak. Also, note if the eclipse falls on or close to your rising sign degree or any planets in the first house, as that one will be felt strongly in terms of health, too.

What Makes Solar Eclipse on 21 June Special? Know The Reasons & Impact!

Eclipses will sometimes point out underlying weaknesses in health that can be addressed quickly so that you can soon be feeling great again. A solar eclipse generally points to a prominent male in your life, so often a man may leave. If you are to be affected, you may break up a relationship with a man, or see that your boss has quit and is leaving, as another example.

Lunar eclipses are generally female. Your relationship may likely change quite a bit. The usual order we use for a lunar eclipse is: mother, wife, grandmother, prominent female boss, client or business associate, or female friend. This is generally the case most of the time, but occasionally these genders will swap out, and I am not sure why! Even though eclipses coincide with new and full moons, they are much stronger than a regular new or full moon. You can think of eclipses as a new or full moon on steroids. They pack so much more energy and punch than a normal lunation of the Sun or moon.

In fact, they feel like they are three new or full moons rolled into one. Bide your time and act a few weeks after the eclipse, at a time when less static will fill the air. Said another way, it is better to listen and respond than to issue announcements and ultimatums. Hold off on beginning new ventures at eclipse time. If you need to sign a contract, try to add several days beyond the date of the eclipse to sign when your judgment will become stronger and sharper. In this case, you are responding, so it is fine to act. Having said that, eclipses tend to get truth to the surface very fast, like a geyser of water forcefully rising to the surface.

You may not keep things inside, even though you planned to do so! The first example shows an action someone else is asking you to respond to if your landlord — good, you can respond to any changes the landlord brings up , but the latter is an action you chose to take under the eclipse a talk with your sweetheart — not such a good time to do so. The ancient astrologers always wrote that if you act under an eclipse, your plan would not work out quite the way you expected, and it will likely not be to your advantage. Of course, every eclipse is different, and some are friendly to your planets and some are not.

A final word: If you are a manager or own your own business, do not hire anyone at eclipse time! Give 10 days after the eclipse to add to your staff. One other point: if you must act at eclipse time, make it a solar, new moon eclipse, for that one will open new doors and create new opportunities.

If you know an astrologer, be sure the eclipse is friendly to the natal planets in your unique chart. You may experience a big change in lifestyle or massive change in one specific part of your life. The same is true if the eclipse falls on your rising sign — the first house of your chart. Your old life may now fade into history as a new one shapes up.

Let me give you an example.

Day to Day Transits for the Next 2 Weeks

Of course the closer the mathematical degrees of the eclipse match your Sun, the better and the more important the eclipse will be for you. I do have to add the disclaimer that we always have to look at all the planets involved in your chart and see how they are aspected at birth, but generally, this rule will be true. Eclipses in the same element are often friendly to each other. The fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. For example, as soon as the Pisces-Virgo series of eclipses are done on February 26, , that series will not be back until September 17, While the family of signs will repeat sooner than that, in about seven or eight years, they will appear in different mathematical degrees than they did recently.

However if you go back 19 years and look at the series of eclipses that arrived that year, you may be astounded to see that all of them will be nearly identical in the family of sign, mathematical degree and precise date it arrived. Keep in mind that the other planets in the sky will have since changed position, so no year is ever a carbon copy of any other year.

Still, by looking back 19 years, you may be able to come up with a theme that will teach you something.