Horoscope for cancer february 17 2021

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  1. Kiss 2020 Goodbye—Your 2021 Horoscope Predicts A Major Turning Point
  2. Cancer Horoscope It's Your Time To Thrive
  3. Cancer Horoscope 2021: It's Your Time To Thrive

Your mission is to practice patience and be discerning. As the healer of the zodiac, kept you busy, Virgo.

When you weren't out there giving out masks and delivering meals you became an emotional net for friends and family, and it's likely you over-extended yourself. This year, it may be helpful to work through the trauma you've experienced, either by getting a therapist, meditating, or simply making more time for long walks. Doing things that make you feel calm and balanced may just help you erect boundaries to bring in healthier relationships. As the sign of partnerships and balance, did a number on you.


Not only was the world total chaos, but you had to primarily switch to flirting via sext, which while fun, is not the same as batting your eyelashes in real life. However, you still managed to get your fair share of attention. This year offers a chance at healthy, stable, and long-term love, you just need to keep your eyes and heart open. The pains of may have brought out your dark side, Scorpio. That doesn't make you a supervillain but it does mean that you may have raised your stinger a few times to pick fights with those closest to you.

But that's okay; if the last year has taught us anything, it's that life can be hard, and we all deserve a little more grace. Now that you know how you react in some situations, do what you can to stop giving in to any overly aggressive tendencies. Your friendships will benefit from keeping a cooler head.

Last year was rough on everyone, Sagittarius, but you felt it super hard. As a fire sign who loves to be the life of the party, when parties were canceled, you may have wondered what the point of it all was — and given into doom-scrolling as a substitute. This year, you'll find purpose again.

You'll feel much better when you start listening and tending to your needs. Hello, dear Capricorn. Pay attention, because you're going to like what you read.

Wealth, Property

After the hellscape that was , this year puts your career and money center stage. In particular, you will benefit from leaning into what you love and whatever it is that brings you the most satisfaction. While we all must take what we can get in this economy, this year asks you to take risks and reap the financial rewards.

Kiss 2020 Goodbye—Your 2021 Horoscope Predicts A Major Turning Point

You care about your community, Aquarius, and the events of gave you plenty of chances to keep busy by lending a hand. Whether you became your family's point person and organizer of Zoom holidays or dove into activism, you likely stayed so busy tending to others that you forgot about your own needs. Now, shines a spotlight on you, precious water bearer, and it's time to step into it. Your psychic and empathic abilities are what make you so magical, Pisces, but the weight of the world in became too much for you.

Cancer Horoscope It's Your Time To Thrive

As a result, you probably used stay-at-home orders to retreat a little bit too much. This year asks you to come out of your fishbowl and grace us with your humor and pretty face. Expect major changes in your friend group that overlap with your love life. Are you secretly in love with your best friend? For reprint rights. Times Syndication Service. Globe Icon An icon of the world globe. Amazon Sale Tech Business. Link Copied. These are the lucky colours for your zodiac sign in Dr. Sathya Narayanan. Colours make this world beautiful and exciting. Mercury, your ruling planet, is opposite your sign this month, making it the perfect time to catch up with your buddies virtually or socially-distant, of course.

The solar eclipse on the 14th gives you a huge sense of time rushing forward. Are you taking a beat to stop and smell the roses, or do you need to chill out a little more? Future backpacking trip through Patagonia? Consider it done at, uh, some point. The full moon on the 29th is in your money house, making you take a look at your budget. Then, the new moon on the 14th makes you want to take care of your health. Are you pushing yourself too hard, or are you going at a pace that feels right to you? The full moon on the 29th makes you ready for a break already.

After all, you deserve it, so….

Cancer Horoscope 2021: It's Your Time To Thrive

It all kicks off with Mercury moving into Sagittarius, stirring up some positive, sunny vibes. The new moon on the 14th also brings a new surge of energy. Yeah, you can tackle your to-do list, organize a Zoom happy hour, and squeeze in a workout in just a few hours—you got this.

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  4. You made it to 2021!.

Are you being as good as you can be about your well-being, or is there room for improvement? The full moon on the 29th will inspire you to just zen out and chill. December kicks off with Mercury moving into a sector of your chart about home, making you wonder if you should consider a move. At the same time, Venus is pushing you to pretty up your space. On the 21st, Jupiter and Saturn make you think about your work and health. Later, the new moon on the 14th is in your house of communication, making you want people to give it to you straight.

Nobody has time for that. Mars, the planet of action, is in a part of your chart about the daily grind.