Vesta astrology synastry

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  1. Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:
  2. Vesta in Synastry: The Sacred Fire in Relationships
  3. Vesta, the Eternal Flame, Wedding, Marriage, Vestal Virgins

To each his own. Thanks Dawn, as always, for another informative and thought provoking post. Your observations are spot-on. Thank you for your insight. I have Vesta conjunct Saturn in Aries in the 8th house, so I know all about that ruthless inner critic as well as the reclusive phase I am experiencing. Just as well this self-discipline because in earlier on my Pisces Venus paid dearly for her inability to have boundaries. Am truly grateful for your sharing. What a wonderful article!

This helps explain so much more in depth my own attitude towards relationships. More than any other asteroid, for some reason, this one makes sense…and what beautiful timing, because I just discovered I have progressed Vesta coming up to conjoin my natal Sun. So glad this was here to give me some insight! Have we been treating this planet with enough respect, devoting enough time to it? Have we been misplacing our energy regarding this planet?

Have we been allowing ourselves to shine, or have we been giving that energy away? Thanks, as always. You take a lot of the steep out of the learning curve.

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Great post. Vesta is very strong in my chart. I totally agree with you. My heart is completely in control. Overly passionate sometimes. This is utterly phenomenal, and explains so much to me about what is going on in my life right now. My Vesta is in the 3rd house, 7 degrees from my IC. And yes, I feel it. And to see in clearly laid out WHY is so very helpful to me.

Soulmate Asteroid Pairings

It might allow me to lighten up a little, and consider that others just might not know. Okay so I have this high powered and very shy Vesta, and my current crush with all of the schoolgirl connotations the word engenders comes along and rubs up against my Jupiter 7 degrees from MC from the 10th house side. This was 2. His Vesta, btw, aspects a number of planets in his chart. My IC is at the midpoint of those two asteroids and the way both of ours hook up together I can hazard a guess that Vesta is the reason he keeps his distance too.

Thanks again for this article. It explains so very much. I left out that it is his Vesta rubbing up against my Jupiter. There is a conjunction between them with a two degree orb. Does that make sense? Dear Dawn,Thank you for your insights!!

Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:

I would love to get more insight on this. Vesta on the Asc is devoted to self-development and the integrity of the journey to conscious awareness. In an unevolved person, it may have to do with an anger or fear towards it. It may tend towards the sexually fanatic, someone who is only attracted to a specific type of femme fatale.

There may be a need to take sexuality as far as it can go, whether that is into the realms of the sacred or down into the depths remains with the rest of the chart. They feel it through you.

Vesta in Synastry: The Sacred Fire in Relationships

I have vesta 18 degrees scorpio conjunct saturn 26 degrees scorpio in the 11th house. Vesta is opposed my moon 5th house. Vesta is also trine venus 7th house and trine mars 3rd house. That may be too much information.

Vesta, the Eternal Flame, Wedding, Marriage, Vestal Virgins

Any comments are appreciated. I so very much love reading your articles. I hope to have the financial ability to take your classes at some point. Wish I could be an ongoing student!

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Vesta conjunct Saturn can give Saturn a passion and a ruthless intensity to accomplish what it needs to do in this life. With Vesta opposite the Moon this may feel uncomfortable and restrictive at times, but you will be compelled to go beyond your comfort zone. Hi I discovered Vesta yesterday, and for me it was like a deep symbolic meaning, suddenly it felt like I got in closer contact with my higher self. For me it symbolises our higest potential and wholeness, the eternal light. Adding a new dimension in the chart.

Our deepest core, that holds everything with warmth, the light and the dark without juding. And I also read that Vesta now counts as a planet, so logically it must have the same value in a chart as chiron for example! Before today, I had no knowledge of Vesta. However, the teacher will come when the student is ready. Vesta is making herself known for a reason. I feel as though she will shine light on something of importance. If anyone cares to provide insight behind the associations of Vesta in my natal chart, please do.

I only saw mention of this in relation to Katherine Hepburn. Vesta is all about intensity—so is Scorpio. With Vesta in the 7th, we find relationships sacred. Oh my god, that line about rape. Now I see why. I mentioned the in conjunction because Aquarius and the 11th house share similar energies, right?

So nice to make some sense of it.

I unerstand that conjunctions and oppositions are the most potent aspects but what about the other aspects,ptolemaic and minor aspects alike,like trines semisquares,squares,inconjunct etc in natal or in synastry? Thank you! Your insight is very helpful! Venus is closely trine Mars. I have a strong sexuality but have always been highly discriminating about who turns me on.

It also means i tend to live without for long periods instead of compromising. I have a rather prominent Vesta in my chart — conjunct my Anti-Vertex, while Pallas is conjunct my Vertex.

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