Supermoon february 12 2021 astrology

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This means the influence of Mars will be stronger than usual, and all Mars-related themes will be prominent for us in our personal lives. Astrologically, the fixed star Sirius represents wealth, abundance, passion, and ambition. I saw a meme on Instagram that read something about being too much for even the Twilight Zone. We knew it was going to be a challenging year because it started as a kicker kicked off with Saturn Pluto conjunction in January.

Other outer planet transits have helped to advance the storyline. August gives us a slight reprieve before we head into September with its challenging Mars retrograde cycle. Take advantage of this time, and use this month to restore, recharge, relax, and get organized for the transition into autumn. We start the month with all things leading up to the Full Moon on August 3. It is a dynamic Full Moon — one that includes a T-square to Uranus, the disruptor planet that helps spark change. Expect the unexpected is an understatement.

Plans could change. You could feel more restless or have sudden, unexpected shifts in your life. Productive disruption. Stay in a positive mindset, despite what you read or hear. Under the Leo Sun, we could over-dramatize situations in our lives and the world, but maintain your perspective. On August 4, Mercury, the communication planet, enters Leo, and it encourages us to express ourselves. It is a highly creative influence, and because it falls on the heels of the Full Moon, you could be aware of what holds you back from using your voice.

We need to be discerning about what information we ingest and what we believe. The South Node in Sagittarius can make us susceptible to falling for false information spread by those with political agendas. Question everything, dig for facts and be willing to change your opinion, if necessary. Eclipses shake things up and catalyze change in our lives. So much of the truth about corruption in our Capricorn systems government, corporations, economic, religious institutions have come out over the past two years. Now, we have a chance to make real, lasting change, though it could come by way of more demonstrations, rallies, and protests.

Systemic problems require big movements toward change. With eclipses, we see an unfolding of change over several months that stems from deep self-awareness around eclipse time.

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Right now, as we head into the month, reflect on these questions:. Truth, knowledge, and wisdom show themselves to you. You discover aspects about yourself that may be hiding in the shadows. Mars is moving through warrior sign Aries for the next six months. This influence heats things, and our tensions can run high. Mercury goes direct on July 12, and while that would ordinarily be a relief, the next couple of days are intense as the Sun opposes Jupiter on the 13th , Pluto on the 15th , and Saturn on the 20th.

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These influences make for a whirlwind of a week, especially for Cancers, Libras, Capricorns, and Aries. A pandemic, an economic crisis, political division, and civil rights. We gently close out the month, feeling the warmth of connection with loved ones and feeling inspired.

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The transits will heat up in the fall, but the last few weeks of summer give us a brief reprieve. It's not over yet, though. There are astrological signatures of revolution, transformation, and change on the horizon, and some are happening right now. Any one of these influences brings with it the opportunity for societal and personal shifts.

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But several happening together? Well, I'm sure you can feel the intensity right now. When we have all of them in one year, we need to buckle up and prepare for a ride. For everything, there is a season.

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  • Astrology helps us correlate the cycles of life with the cycles of the heavenly bodies to gain meaning for our lives. There are times of loss followed by times of regeneration and rebirth. Times of challenge can lead to spiritual growth.

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    Keeping that in perspective, you can navigate those stressful times and discern how your life events may be guiding you to a deeper sense of purpose. Astrology offers a symbolic language to help you find meaning during stressful times. If you have knowledge about the upcoming astrological cycles and how they might relate to your personal birth chart, you can make the most of those influences to reduce stress, worry, or fear.

    But we often see what we need to see in order to gain clarity about our past and make more sense of painful experiences. During Mercury retrograde, Mercury appears to be moving backward in the heavens from our vantage point on earth for about three weeks. This happens 3 or 4 times a year.

    With anything astrological, planetary cycles offer us symbolic meaning for concurrent events on earth. During Mercury retrograde, the planet is closer to the earth, and everything with which Mercury is symbolically associated with becomes bigger for us, more in our conscious awareness.

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    This includes communication, transportation, our thoughts, the stories we tell and hear, and our communication devices. All planets move retrograde at some point , but Mercury does this more frequently than others. Plus, it rules matters that will be up for us in our everyday lives.

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    We tend to feel it more than other planets. Mercury is the planet associated with communication, transportation, communication devices, travel more like road trip travel than overseas , cars, thoughts, and details. Mercury retrograde is a great time to reflect on your life. The deeper you go, the more clarity you have for moving forward in life in life after the retrograde period. This time, Mercury is in the sign of Cancer, the sign of home, family, and our ancestral roots. Because of this, you could see issues from the past coming to the surface. You will dig deep into your past and unpack childhood experiences that might have been difficult or painful.

    This is a more emotional Mercury retrograde-- one in which you will feel more sensitive and need to prioritize self-care. All of this backward motion can make you feel stuck.

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    Use this opportunity to go back into the past, clean things up, finish unfinished business, and prioritize healing. Eclipses shake things up in our lives. Eclipses involve the nodal axis. T he North and South Nodes are destiny points in astrology. We become bolder, ready to set clearer boundaries for ourselves so we can focus our vital energy on creating the most fulfilling lives possible.

    Sometimes, during eclipses, you can become blind-sighted by a change that feels outside of your control. In the weeks leading up to the beginning of June, we feel a buildup of energy. Plus, we have the second of three Jupiter - Pluto conjunctions at the end of the month. These are astrological influences that indicate periods of dramatic transformation in our lives— times when we have the courage to make changes that have been developing for some time.

    Eclipses are like New and Full Moons on steroids.

    Moon Phases 2020 – Lunar Calendar for Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

    They shake things up and catalyze change. This is because they involve the North and South Nodes, astrological karmic destiny points. Whenever the Nodes are involved, we feel a sense of urgency to live our purpose. We become aware of any beliefs, limitations, or obstacles preventing us from feeling a sense of mission and fulfillment in our lives. Eclipses stir up emotions, and they can be intense. Because these emotions can escalate during eclipse cycles, we want to take action. An action you want to take, however, is to express yourself. The Lunar Eclipse on June 5 in Sagittarius is a truth-seeking eclipse.

    Read up on nonviolent communication to determine how best to use this energy when having difficult conversations. On June 13, Mars conjoins Neptune and awakens compassion in us all. T his transit can help smooth over any conflicts you experienced around the time of the Lunar Eclipse. June is a more introspective time. This is also a time when Mercury is slowing down.

    Think of this as a more nebulous, creative, and mystical time.