Susan miller january 2021 pisces horoscope

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Go slowly and get things in writing so you can show your lawyer what the offer entails. Neptune may be your ruler, but so is Jupiter, your ancient ruler before Neptune was discovered. Modern astrologers look at both, so you are fortunate that Jupiter and Venus will be in a tight, perfect mathematical conversation in your house of hopes and wishes.

All things considered, this will be a special professional moment of for you. This is huge news! Saturn has not been in Aquarius since to , and Jupiter has not been in Aquarius since early Over the past year, since December and throughout , you had Jupiter lighting your eleventh house of friendships and social groups. Prior to the shutdown caused by the pandemic, you were likely out and about making new associations and friendships.

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You may have also found time to volunteer for a charity or humanitarian activity, or perhaps you worked to support a political candidate. If not, you may have given speeches or generally were out in the world busy with projects.

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Your followers on social media grew nicely and still will through most of December. Once Jupiter enters Aquarius, you will withdraw, and instead of being out, you will enjoy being in, working on building strategy, planning, or working intently on creative projects without distraction.

Your twelfth house, where Jupiter and Saturn will be, is the house that naturally rules Pisces and is responsible for your uncanny intuition, which will be spot-on all through If you find out who is helping you, you will have to allow that person to stay anonymous, for others may become jealous of the help you are getting. Saturn in the twelfth house is the finest place you can have Saturn to work on a project, such as to research and write a book, for your concentration will be strong.

The twelfth house rules hospitals and rehab centers, so if you do need to have a procedure or surgery, it should go well, even if the recovery is a little slow Saturn speaking here. You will still have Jupiter, the great healer at your side. As said earlier, this is also the house of the subconscious, so professional psychiatric therapy and rebab should go exceptionally well—it will be the best time to attend to that in 12 years! Jupiter will zoom through deep space very quickly while in Aquarius, and from May 13 to July 28, Jupiter will zoom straight into Pisces and bring blessings to those Pisces born February The universe will call Jupiter back to Aquarius to finished his tour of duty, and on July 28 he will enter Aquarius and remain there until he permanently goes into Pisces on December 28, Once Jupiter is back in Pisces, it will make your banner year.

Just like in , he will leaves Pisces to be in Aries from May 10 to October 28, , and then return to Pisces for nearly the rest of the entire year, leaving Pisces, on December 20, What does it mean to have Jupiter in Pisces? You will travel overseas to a city you have never been but always hoped someday to go. Yes, travel will return when we finally say goodbye to the pandemic, dousing your fears that you will never be able to go anywhere again. Remember, after the Spanish Flu, the Roaring Twenties followed, and the great beauty ensued in fashion, art deco architecture, literature, music, and more.

When Jupiter is in Pisces, you will have opportunities drop in your lap, and if you are single, this aspect is considered the very best one you could ever wish to have to find new love—your truelove.

Pisces Horoscope for November - Page 3 of 11 - Susan Miller Astrology Zone

If you are attached, you may have a baby, a superb year to do so. If you have children, you will hear good news regarding at least one, and he or she will make you proud. Creatively, you will be at your best, turning out artistic expressions that are also profitable, one that the public will eat up with a spoon. When you have Jupiter in your own sign, it marks the start of a new Jupiter cycle, so this plane of gifts and luck will see to it that you make a number of fresh starts. Remember, this coming year, your special period in will be May 13 to July After that, watch December 28, , to May 10, , and then again October 28, , to December 20, These are all the dates Jupiter will be in Pisces.

On December 21, , there will be the meeting of Jupiter and Saturn in conjunction, an event that happens only once every 20 years you could set your watch by that meeting. The last time they met was May 28, , in Taurus.

A Note from Susan Miller

Here is remarkable information: Over the past years, whenever Jupiter and Saturn met, they always met in earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Over and over, every 20 years, each one of those earth signs got a turn at the conjunction. Astrologers call this recurring event the Grand Conjunction. This year, however, we have something new and special happening. This year, Jupiter and Saturn will meet not in an earth sign but the air sign of Aquarius.

PISCES in 2021 - Part 1 - Great promises and concrete hopes

All of us will now walk over a transom to a new reality, life colored by air, not earth. Air is lighter, more mobile and less materialistic than earth. Suddenly, what you know and what you have contributed to others will be far more important than what you own. Travel will eventually come back in a big way because Aquarius loves to be on the go. Computers will play a far bigger role in our lives, and yes, flying taxi cabs are coming, and driverless cars, too.

The reason the Grand Conjunction is so important is that the sign where the two planets of Jupiter and Saturn meet is important, for that sign will begin to color all of society, and the themes they initiate will form the background to our lives. Jupiter is the planet of good fortune and happiness. Saturn is the planet that teaches maturity through working hard on long-term goals that add structure and foundation to our lives.

When they have a conjunction, the sign they meet in has an effect on art, entertainment, music, food, fashion, government, and politics, and creates the very tenor of the times. We started to see everything change when Saturn made a brief entry into Aquarius from March 21 until July 1.

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When a normal conjunction happens between Saturn and Jupiter, we call it a Grand Conjunction. When Jupiter and Saturn will meet in a new element—air instead of earth—we call that a Grand Mutation. Jupiter and Saturn will not meet in earth signs again in our lifetime. Get set for huge innovation with scientific and medical discoveries that we could never have imagined possible.

The Grand Mutation will bring on the full blooming of the Age of Aquarius. We are very lucky to be alive to witness a change like this—most people live within the year period of one cycle and never get to experience the change as we all will see as citizens of an exciting new world. There is much too much to say about this coming event here, so I will write a separate essay on the Grand Mutation and post it to my home page of AstrologyZone.

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    Most of your best ideas generate from your unconscious, from so deeply within that when asked where your newest idea came from, you usually confess that you have no idea. You take in the world with your right brain, assembling bits and pieces of all you see into a coherent whole. Magically, you find beauty that others easily miss.

    This is happening because of the long visit of Mars through your second house of earned income, an influence that tends to force up spending and balances on credit cards or loans. Mars first went into this area of your chart on June 27 and has not yet left. More typically, Mars stays six to nine weeks in any one house of the horoscope, so this has been a strenuous trend.

    I am Pisces, My Lover is Pisces

    By the end of this month, Mars will have spent six un-interrupted months in your area of salary earnings, saving, and spending. This put a great deal of emphasis on check writing, but also on trying to find new sources of income. Printed on archival quality paper. Available exclusively on Astrology Zone. Learn More. Subscription Login. View Previous Month. Know in advance when each of the eight planets will retrograde, and hence, become weaker.

    On that date, you will see when that planet is due to go direct that is, when it will normalize its orbit and begin to become strong again. By knowing the start and end dates at once, you have no need to page through the entire calendar for that information. On the date the planet goes direct, you will also know when it will be back to its full strength. Be in the know when a planet and the Sun will move into a new sign. You will also know the date of the two equinoxes and two solstices, as well as when time changes are due in the US.

    The time zone used is for West coast time. Readers in South America are in time zones similar to the US. Keep in mind that an aspect is always strongest as it builds and then gradually weakens after it reaches its apex. As you see, everyone, no matter where you live, will have time to take advantage of the aspects listed here.