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December 2020 Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo
  1. Virgo Monthly Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com
  2. Virgo Monthly Horoscope
  3. December 2020 Virgo Overview Horoscope

People depend on you, and you are not one to let them down. You have fine-tuned your organizational skills to a high art—few can match you on that score.

Your active mind seeks to analyze, categorize, and perfect nearly everything that passes your gaze. Your open willingness to redo parts of your projects is admirable. You are quite modest about the excellence of your work too, a quality others find lovable in you. Most people would proclaim their accomplishments from the rooftops. Indeed, you are a ball of sparkling energy, so it is no wonder others want you in their corner. Virgo is the sign of health and nutrition, among the few signs that are dedicated to eating right and getting enough exercise. You usually have a supply of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand, along with grains and other good-for-you foods.

You were born at the time of the harvest, when the fresh, most delicious produce reaches peak flavor and ripeness. This need to be productive and focused are traits you carry within you to this day.

You are not one to make excuses—if you have a goal or a task to perform, you get to it quickly and thoroughly. Organization and commitment to goals are big priorities for you. For example, when you create a fitness program, you stick to it. Friends may say they are too tired to follow their routine, but not you. You may take your refined motor skills for granted, but others marvel at your handiwork.

Few can keep up with you. You may sew, knit, crochet, play a musical instrument, do quilting or woodworking, cook magnificently, turn out beautiful illustrations, or paint, or have learned the graceful art of calligraphy. You may simply use your remarkable small motor skills by typing on your keyboard as fast as the wind. In love, too many descriptions of Virgo women paint you as a librarian, wearing outdated clothes and grandma shoes. This could not be further from the truth. Just the opposite—French couture and the city of Paris are ruled by Virgo.

Male Virgos look quietly elegant, investing in suits and other garments that will stand the test of time.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com

Designers know that fit is king, and you do, too. You also know that a quality garment has beautiful buttons, superbly crafted buttonholes, linings, and other details, and that garments made with fabrics with prints and plaids are meticulously matched when seamed—this is a dead giveaway for less beautifully made clothing, briefcases, and handbags.


Virgo women prefer ladylike fashions, and also often favor small prints, for those are ruled by Mercury, your guardian planet. Neutral colors like teal, periwinkle, black, white, hunter green, and navy recall the colors of sunset at the month of your birth. Cat Power shared, photo is by photographer SajalChakravorty. Tilden had really interesting questions for me! You will love it! Brandon's pieces are so feminine, just beautiful! You will feel this for years to come. Stay tuned! I had food poisoning all week which delayed posting my Grand Mutation essay.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

I have to start writing January for Astrology Zone, but don't worry--I didn't forget, I have so much to tell you about the Grand Mutation. Essay will be on my website, AstrologyZone. They had great questions for me, I think you're really going to love it! It will be on my website, AstrologyZone.

Monthly Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo

Yesterday, December 14 we had a total eclipse of the Sun. If you never read my essay on How to Deal with Eclipses, this would be the right time to do so. I think you will find it helpful. Let me know!

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  • Virgo Monthly Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com.
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  • December 2020 Horoscope: Predictions for Virgo?

Take a moment to read my Note from me to you where I show you how to join my FREE Newsletter--I will be sending you a report shortly on the Grand Mutation of December 21, an event that takes place every hundreds of centuries. Today, December 14, brings a new moon total eclipse of the Sun in Sagittarius.

December 2020 Virgo Overview Horoscope

Something ends "eclipsed out" and something else begins. This will be a happy eclipse for most. See details of what I wrote for you in my monthly reportly for your sign on: www. This is a very big day for me. I have such happy memories of those pioneering days, and now have so much to look forward to in the future. Wow, Happy Birthday www. If you read my December report on www. Do you have my free app "Daily Horoscope Astrology Zone"? It is the new version of my app released this summer--sleek, so beautiful and easy to navigate!